Concord, VT
Concord, Vermont is a small town located in Essex County. Roughly 1,200 people reside in this rural town. Among this town are two villages, North Concord and Miles Pond. The town has a total area of 53.5 square miles.
2011 Concord Town Warning
The Inhabitants of the Town of Concord, County of Essex and State of Vermont, who are voters in the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING, are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Concord Town Hall located at 456 Main Street in said Town on the 1st day of March 2011 A.D, for the purpose of voting by AUSTRALIAN BALLOT upon the articles as herein set forth.
The polls will open at 10:00 am and will remain open until 7:00 pm. Articles will be voted upon by use of the voter checklist and official printed ballots.
Article 1: To elect the following officers:
A Moderator for a one-year term
A Town Agent for a one-year term
A Grand Juror for a one-year term
A Selectboard member for a three-year term
A Selectboard member for a two-year term
A Lister for a three-year term
An Auditor for a three-year term
A Library Trustee for a five-year term
A Town Constable for a two-year term
A Town Clerk for a three-year term
A Town Treasurer for a three-year term
Article 2: Shall the Town vote to collect its taxes, for the due date of November 14, 2011 after which an interest rate of 1% per month for the first three months and 1 ½ % per month thereafter be charged in addition to an 8% penalty fee?
Article 3: Shall the Town vote to Repeal its Zoning By-Laws in order to eliminate all Zoning with-in the Town of Concord?
Article 4: Shall the Town vote to request the Selectboard to begin the process of drafting a Junk Ordinance?
Article 5: Shall the Town vote to prohibit the Constable from exercising any Law Enforcement authority in accordance with 24 V.S.A. 1936a (a)?
Article 6: Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $4,100.00 to pay for police services of the First Constable for the Town of Concord?
Article 7: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $1,000.00 to pay for a portion of the maintenance of Overlook Cemetery located on the Cozy Nook Road in East Concord?
Article 8: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $5,000.00 to the Infrastructure Reserve Fund?
Article 9: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $1,000.00 to the Park Fund?
Article 10: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $10,000.00 to the Town Equipment Reserve Fund?
Article 11: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $10,000.00 to the Town Building Fund?
Article 12: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $1,000.00 to the Concord Public Library?
Article 13: Shall the Town vote to appropriate $2,000.00 to Caledonia Home Health Care and Hospice to be used in providing health care services?
Article 14: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $1,500.00 to support the Essex County Sheriff's Department?
Article 15: Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $4,892.00 to pay for the services of the Caledonia-Essex Area Ambulance Service, Inc. (CALEX) for 2011?
Article 16: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $900.00 to assist the Lunenburg, Gilman and Concord Senior Citizens, Inc. in providing services to senior citizens in the ensuing year?
Article 17: Shall the Town vote to raise, appropriate and expend the sum of $1,256.00 for the support of Northeast Kingdom Human Services Inc., to assist in providing mental health, substance abuse, medical/psychiatric, and developmental services to adults, adolescents and children residing in Concord?
Article 18: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum not to exceed $250.00 to the Northeast Kingdom Adult Education and Literacy Program (formerly Northeast Kingdom Adult Basic Education)?
Article 19: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $500.00 to Northeast Kingdom Youth Services to support their work with youth and families in our community?
Article 20: Shall the Town vote to appropriate a sum of $1,350.00 to assist the Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern Vermont in providing services to senior citizens in the ensuing year?
Article 21: Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $2,300.00 for services provided by RCT to the residents living in the Town of Concord?
Article 22: Shall the Town vote to appropriate to Umbrella, Inc. the amount of $750.00 to serve victims of domestic and sexual violence and their children and families seeking child care and child care providers?
Article 23: Shall the Town vote to appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 from the Connecticut River Enhancement Fund to be placed into the Town of Concord School Capital Improvement Fund?
Article 24: Shall the Town vote to raise $487,147.00 by taxes for all general expenses of the town (which shall include all special appropriations, specific appropriations for laying out and repairing highways and for the fire department)? Note: Budget will be reduced by any special appropriation not passed by the vote of the people on articles 6 (six) through 22 (twenty-two).
The legal voters of the Town are further warned and notified that the voter qualifications, registration and absentee voting relative to said meeting shall be as provided in Chapters 43, 51, and 55 of Title 17 Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Adopted and approved at a meeting held on January 26th 2011 by the Selectboard, Town of Concord, Vermont.
Dated at Concord, Vermont this 26th Day of January, 2011.
Administrative Assistant
Karl Goulding
Selectboard, Town of Concord:
Michael F. Regan
Robert Paquette
Thomas Brown
James Gochie
George Morehouse
Received for record this 27th Day of January, 2011.
Donna A. Berry-Town Clerk
An Informational Meeting will be held at the school gymnasium for both town and town school district annual meetings, on Saturday, February 26th. At 10:00 A.M.
In addition to town reports being available at the informational meeting and town meeting, you may pick one up at the Municipal Building, Town Clerk's office, Alpine Valley or Barnie's Market.
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